Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dreams of death !!

Like today, there had been numerous such mornings when i woke up in sorrow, completely tired and fatigued. The reason for this is nothing else but yet another nightmare. I saw my father dying a terrible death and no matter how much ever i tried to save him, he would not survive. Then i wake up relieved to find that the world has not fallen.

Its been very frequent with me to see deaths of my loved ones, sometimes they are too terrible other times they are just dying. I was quite used to it now. It was a routine to see people dying and needless to say that was affecting me badly, very badly. One fine day when finally i decided to get rid of this. After all, its only my brain that is showing me stuff, let me just find out a way to know what my brain is trying to tell me. So i googled some 100 websites on dream interpretation. After a research of over a month, i had gained enough knowledge to interpret my own dreams and to know what is it thats causing it. Surprisingly, it deeply affected my connection with people and my relationships with them.

We always dream. All of us dream. People who say they don't dream, simply don't remember their dreams. I will include the science behind it in my later posts, for now only deaths. Since that is what kills me so many morning and might be killing you also.

Death in dream denotes "death of a relationship" or "detachment". It does not mean that the person is going to die or you want him die. It is only a way of your subconscious mind telling you - "Hey, wake up buddy, i am your subconscious mind. Don't you see that your relationship with this person is dying. I don't know why are you ignoring it so much, but i guess you must do something about it".

It is never about what you see in the dream. More significant part is what is it that you felt in your dream when saw what you saw. If you see someone close to you dying and you feel so sad that you are almost choked, that means you are not comfortable with that person not being in your life and for some reason (ego, self respect, distance etc.) you are consciously not acknowledging it. On the contrary, if you see someone dying and you are okie with it, that means your relationship with the person is dying and you are okie with it, but again you are not acknowledging it. Once you acknowledge your subconscious mind, it will stop troubling you. Thats the beauty of it.

So, never really be worried about the death dreams. Just acknowledge to yourself that the relationship is in trouble and then take steps either to revive the relationship or to completely get over it. In both the cases, your subconscious mind will rest in peace at least about this relationship of your life !!
